Fluorescent Cats

Everyday the world becomes stranger and more beautiful. Some enterprising young minds in Korea have genetically modified and cloned some glow in the dark cats. In the picture below the orange cat on the left is glowing orange under an ultra violet light source, whereas a normal cat (right) is merely reflecting green.

glowcatsTranscats walk amongst us, as apparently do Transmice.
The mouse picture is actually from a Forbes article from back in ’01. Which shows just how long this technology has been around. In China and other areas you can already buy genetically modified glowing pets, and hopefully we will have glowing kitties in the rest of the world soon.

Medical and amusement purposes aside, another interesting ramification of this technology is that nothing can ever truly go “extinct” now. One day, when our race is old and wise, this planet can once again team with all of the strange strains of life that, in our youthful ignorance, we sought to destroy.

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3 Responses to “Fluorescent Cats”

  1. Alyssa Says:

    I am very facinated by this experiment and i’m curious as to if you are able to inject this GFP into humans and make them glow. i really want t be able to glow. =] thank you very much.

  2. Truth Says:

    Alyssa, sorry, but this is not allowed. This would seriously mess up the human genome. You would have glowing kids and think about what will happen when those kids have kids and their kids have kids. We don’t humanity to loose its true origins right?

    • thetranshumanexpress Says:

      Sorry Truth, but this would not “seriously mess up the human genome.” It would only fix the parts of it that made you not glow 😉
      Furthermore, whats wrong with having glowing great grandkids? If they don’t want to glow they can just change their own genomes. The true origins of humanity are feces slinging apes, and I for one am eager to put a little distance between us and our origins.

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